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Parent Feedback summary
The Principal is providing strong Leadership – 100% Agreed
The School ensures my child is well looked after – 100% Agreed
The School keeps me well informed – 96% Agreed
My Child is making good progress at the School – 96% Agreed.
What are we doing well?
Good Headteacher (8)
Football (8)
Good Quality teaching (4)
Keeping the girls safe and secure (3)
Student support and hearing the student’s views (3)
Good Communication with Parents (3)
Good Exam results (3)
Teaching Islam (2)
Science (2)
Pastoral Care and Well-being; Supporting Syrian refugees
Having a leadership team, instils confidence in the girls and boosts morale.
What could we do better?
New building (7)
Better resources (3)
Better training facility
New caterer
Have qualified teachers
More Homework
More Sports/exercise for Year’s 10 & 11.
School Actions on above:
The School continues to look for a new site in the centre of the city. We meet regularly with the local authority, other schools and government agencies to gain support for this. The reality is that as a community, we might have to raise the funds ourselves, to place a Muslim faith school where it should be, in the heart of our community and City.
With regard to resources, we constantly seek sponsorship, the latest being from “Amazon” who are supplying the School with electronic equipment. The “Royal Air Force’ sponsor our Football team and are looking to spread this to other school sports.
Whilst we have to stay on this site, we have to work with other schools to provide us with better training facilities. In this, we are very lucky to have built up some great relationships, especially with TDET. For example, our Football team trains weekly at the Gladstone Community Site and our Science department has access to the Science laboratories at QKA, which we take full advantage of on a weekly basis.
Our Healthy Eating Policy is a school priority and we continually look to supply healthy food utilizing the best local provider available. Our Year 10 students are currently raising funds for a new school kitchen, which will help us to provide better catering services and a related curriculum delivery. Our students also aspire to raise enough money to make a soup kitchen for homeless people.
In gaining qualified teachers at Iqra Academy, we have made significant progress with 87% of our teachers now being fully qualified the rest in training. The School has set the National qualification ‘Qualified Teacher Status’ as its minimum benchmark of all teachers. To undertake this qualification, teachers do need to have obtained a degree.
We now have a Homework Policy and all students undertake independent learning and complete regular homework. If you have any questions concerning your daughter’s homework, then please speak to your daughter’s personal Tutor.
With regards to more sport and exercise for Years 10 & 11, we are introducing from next September, the GCSE option of BTEC Sport Levels 1 & 2. We also hope that these students will continue to play in our School teams.