
Now Enrolling students for year 7-11. Anyone interested in enrolling their daughter at Iqra Academy must obtain an application form, which must be filled in and sent to the Administration Office. In year transfers are also considered and an application form must be filled in.

Selection criteria: We currently only accept female students in years 7-11, with an agreement with parents that fees must be paid.

Over-subscription criteria: We are currently not an over-subscribed school. If the school should be over-subscribed the following criteria will be applied:

  • Children where recognised professional opinion (a letter from a GP, Consultant, Educational Psychologist or Social Worker explaining why the child cannot attend any school other than the Academy) shows that circumstances present a particularly strong case for taking in a child.
  • A child with a sibling currently attending the Academy and who will continue to do so after the date of admission.
  • Proximity of a child’s home to the Academy.


Iqra Academy is a private institution with no local authority or government grants supporting it. This academy is for everyone and is funded by the community. The running of the academy depends on fees and voluntary contributions

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the annual fee is £3,850. This can be paid in advance, annually or monthly instalments by standing order. Methods of payment will be agreed at the interview.\

School application forms can be completed now and  SCHOOL TRANSFER TEST for Year 7 will take place at the school on Saturday 25th January 2025


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