Iqra Policies
- Admissions Policy 24-25
- Respect - Iqra
- School Values
- Security-Policy 24-25
- whistleblowing-policy 24-25
- Safer Recruitment Policy 24-25
- Self Evaluation 24-25
- Values Statement 24-25
- Promoting British Values & SMSC 24-25
- Safeguarding and Child protection Policy 24-25
- Complaints Policy and Procedure 24-25
- Behaviour and discipline policy 24-25
- Attendance and Punctuality Policy 24-25
- Anti-bullying policy 24-25
- Curriculum Policy
- First aid policy 24-25
- Freedom of Information Policy 24-25
- Healthy Eating and Nutrition Policy 24-25
- Health and Safety Policy 24-25
- Risk Assessment Policy 25-26
- Accessibility policy and plan 24-25
- RSE Policy 24-25