
The curriculum outlines the ethos and philosophy of Iqra Academy and also seeks to support Iqra Academy’s academic aims. Therefore, its implementation will also promote the fulfilment of many of the spiritual, moral and social aims.  Student wellbeing is at the heart of our curriculum: Creating a caring, encouraging and ‘mindful’ learning environment where expectations are high, lessons are structured and students thrive, respect and care for one another, respond to challenge, take risks and receive praise.

Iqra academy aims to actively promote the principles of having a character that encourages good morals and values, manners, honesty and truthfulness, individual human worth, achievement, equal value, co-operation, and respecting differences. This policy expresses a key way in which Iqra Academy can fulfil its role as a pupil-cantered school, concerned with the whole pupil, which works at being inclusive. 


  • develop a love of learning through an appropriately sequenced, meaningful and engaging curriculum
  • To provide rich and varied context for pupils to acquire, develop and apply a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills, to encourage a love of learning and a desire for lifelong learning.  
  • To encourage the best possible progress and the highest academic achievement for all, by setting suitable learning challenges and fully recognizing the diverse learning needs of each of our pupils.  
  • To personalise our curriculum ensuring it is flexible and appropriate, preparing pupils for the challenges of a fast changing world, and their futures as workers and citizens.  
  • To develop literacy, numeracy and competence in the use of information technology; 
  • To develop self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence 
  • To promote pupils’ self esteem and emotional well being through our curriculum, offering opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their own and different beliefs and cultures.  
  • be well prepared for the next stages of education and career
At the heart of our curriculum is a strong academic core for all our pupils at key stage 3 and key stage 4. Creative and performing arts, technology, computing, and physical education are central to our curriculum offer sparking curiosity, interests and talent.
Our curriculum promotes spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and emotional development of pupils at school and in society more widely. Religious Education, Relationship and Sex Education, Health Education and Citizenship are fully timetabled and taught by specialists throughout key stage 3 and key stage 4.

The school days are as follows-

The School Day Monday to Thursday is as follows;

0830 – 0930 Lesson 1

0930 – 1030 Lesson 2

1030 – 1045 Break

1045 – 1145 Lesson 3

1145 – 1245 Lesson 4

1245 – 1315 Lunch

1315 – 1345 Tutorial, Reading, Prayer

1345 – 1445 Lesson 5


1445 – 1700 Enrichment Activities

1700 – 1900 Madrasah

The School Day on Fridays is as follows;

0830 – 0915 Lesson 1

0915 – 1000 Lesson 2

1000 – 1015 Break

1015 – 1100 Lesson 3

1100 – 1145 Lesson 4

1145 – 1230 Lesson 5

1230 Friday Prayers at School, open to all Parents and the General Public.

We believe every pupil is entitled to a curriculum that is varied, challenging and inspiring, which enables every individual to fulfil their potential to the highest possible standard, developing enquiring minds capable of original thought and well-balanced critical argument.

We aim to ensure that all pupils have access to the curriculum and are not disadvantaged by any disabilities or special educational needs.   Our curriculum also provides opportunities for pupils to consider careers in each subject – more details are provided in the careers page of our website.

Our school operates a five-year curriculum journey; from Year 7 to Year 11. All pupils will follow a traditional model of study, which involves core and foundation subjects. Pupils will make their GCSE choices in year 9 as guided by the careers advisors.  Pupils will complete GCSEs and vocational qualifications in year 11.Almost all pupils will follow a combination of subjects; pupils will also study vocational subjects to contribute to a deep and rich curriculum experience. Pupils will be offered extra time for English and mathematics where they are performing below nationally expected levels. The focus is to support pupils with literacy and numeracy as soon as they join the school.  In particular, there will be a strong emphasis on reading and expanding vocabulary.


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